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SECTION 1. The name of the Association shall be the Illinois School Counselor Association

(ISCA) a state branch of the American School Counselor Association.

SECTION 2.The mission of the Illinois School Counselor Association (ISCA) is to better serve

students and communities by providing leadership, advocacy, and collaborative opportunities for

Illinois school counselors.

SECTION 3. The vision of the Illinois School Counselor Association (ISCA) is to:

● Honor the uniqueness of every Illinois school counselor, student, and community as we

embrace and affirm diverse backgrounds, values, and points of view.

● Promote professionalism and ethical practice amongst school counselors so they are able

to support pre-kindergarten through post-secondary students in maximizing their

academic, college/career, social/emotional growth and preparedness for adult life.

● Advocate for legislation and policies that support and empower Illinois school

counselors, students, and communities.

● Provide high quality professional development for school counselors to assist in meeting

the evolving needs of school counselors, students, and communities.

● Offer collaboration opportunities for Illinois school counselors to build meaningful

connections and coalitions amongst Illinois school counselors throughout the state.

A. Initiate and support the improvement of school counseling programs by developing a K-l2

Comprehensive Developmental Counseling Model in all schools. The American School

Counselors Association National Model and the Developmental Counseling Model for Illinois

Schools are considered best practice for school counselors.

B. Develop and distribute supportive information for the delivery of school counseling programs.

C. Promote research relative to school counseling.

D. Develop and promote legislation and policy regarding the work of professional school

counselors and educational programs.

E. Uphold and encourage continuous improvement in the standards for the education of

professional school counselors.

F. Promote the continuing professional development of professional school counselors.

G. Promote ethical standards for professional school counselors as documented in the ASCA

Ethical Standards for School Counselors

H. Encourage cooperation and collaboration with appropriate associations,agencies and

community groups regarding school counseling.

I. Acknowledge and advance the changing role of the professional school counselor by

recommending changes to the Illinois school code.

J. Implement a governance model that empowers local members and focuses the work of the

association on action.

K. Facilitate mentoring, networking, information and resources, which empowers members to

perform at the highest professional level.

SECTION 4. Organization. ISCA is organized in accordance with ASCA Bylaws


Inclusion Policy: We welcome into our Association and encourage the participation of all

individuals who are interested in school counseling regardless of age, gender, gender identity,

race, cultural background, religion, physical ability, sexual orientation, professional status,

geographic location, and all other characteristics that make our members unique. ISCA actively

promotes inclusion, recruitment, and retention in every aspect of the Association – including but

not limited to membership, leadership, and committees. We strive to cultivate an association of

excellence built on encouragement, and mutual respect. The Association is committed to

proactively rejecting and denouncing bias, prejudice and stereotyping whenever it is encountered

in the profession.

SECTION 1. TYPES OF MEMBERSHIP. This Association shall include six types of voting

membership: Professional School Counselor, ISCA Past President, Retired, Graduate Student in

School Counseling, Affiliate members who are non-voting and Board of Directors. A

Professional member has the right of public identification as “a Professional School Counselor

Member of the Illinois School Counselor Association.”

SECTION 2. REQUIREMENTS OF MEMBERSHIP. In order to qualify for one of the six types

of membership, an individual must meet the following requirements for the membership being


A. Professional Membership. Professional members must hold a master's degree or higher in

counseling or the substantial equivalent and meet one or more of the following requirements:

1. Hold an Illinois Professional Educators License (PEL) with a school counseling endorsement

2. Be employed as a professional school counselor or supervisor of school counselors.

3. Be employed as a professional counselor educator in a graduate program that prepares

professional school counselors.

B. Past Presidents/Board Chairs. Past Presidents/Board Chairs of ISCA must meet the criteria in

Article II, Section 2A or Article II, Section 2C in order to receive free ISCA dues and

membership for life. If so, past presidents and board chairs are entitled to vote in ISCA elections

and to have the same obligations and be entitled to the same privileges as professional members.

C. Retired Membership. Retired members in ISCA are entitled to membership dues at a reduced

rate if they are (a) no longer working in the field of counseling and (b) have been an ISCA

Member continuously for the past 5 years. Retired members are entitled to vote in ISCA


D. Graduate Student Membership. Any student who is enrolled on at least a half-time at a

college or university in a graduate degree program in the area of school counseling is eligible for

student membership in ISCA. Student Members are entitled to vote in ISCA elections and to

have the same obligations and be entitled to the same as professional members. Student Members

are eligible to be elected to the Board of Directors as a Graduate Student Representative.

E. Affiliate Membership.

Any individual who does not meet the requirements for ISCA Professional membership may

elect to become an affiliate member of ISCA at the professional rate. Affiliate members are

non-voting members and may not hold office. An organization may purchase an affiliate

membership at the Affiliate rate.

F. Board Membership.Individuals elected to the ISCA Board of Directors will have dues waived

while serving as a member of the Board of Directors.

Members of the organization may not, by virtue of membership in the organization, claim

member discounts at ISCA events.

SECTION 3. DUES. Dues shall be set by the Board of Directors for all categories of


SECTION 4. RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES. Professional, Student, Past Presidents/Board Chairs,

and Retired members may vote on all matters coming before the association at the Annual

Meeting or 15 days prior to date amendments or bylaw revisions are to be acted upon.

Professional and retired members shall be eligible to serve as members of the Board of Directors.

Graduate students shall be eligible to be elected to the Board of Directors as a Graduate Student

Representative. All members shall be eligible to serve as chairs of committees.


A. Any member found to be involved in unethical practice per ASCA Ethical Guidelines or have

had their PEL revoked will be dropped from ISCA membership.

B. A member shall be dropped from membership for nonpayment of dues.

C. There shall be no discrimination against any individual on the basis of ethnic origin, color,

creed sex, affection or sexual orientation, disabling condition or age.



A. The Association shall include Chapters which organize on the basis of a local geographic unit

within the State of Illinois or those which have a special interest.

B. A Chapter shall consist of at least 4 members, with no less than four members in good

standing as ISCA members. ISCA Chapters having at least 4 active ISCA members as

documented in their annual membership submitted in September of each year, are eligible to

request up to $100 to support Chapter activities. Additional membership incentives are outlined

in the ISCA Policies and Procedures Handbook.


A. The Board of Directors shall have the power to grant charters to Chapters in accordance with

standing rules established by the Board of Directors relative to the formation of new Chapters.

B. Prior to its chartering as a Chapter, an organization shall demonstrate the following to the

satisfaction of the Board of Directors:

1) It is organized in accordance with the Bylaws of the Association and has at least four members

who are members of ISCA.

2) It is identified in its governing instruments, letterhead, and similar written materials as "A

Chapter of the Illinois School Counselor Association."

3) Its statement of purpose in its governing instruments is in accord with that of the Association.

4) Its governing instruments require that the chapter president and at least three other members

must be ISCA members.


A. A Chapter of the Association shall be free to conduct its own affairs, but shall do so only in

compliance with the Bylaws of the Association.

B. A Chapter of the Association may adopt its own name.

SECTION 4. REPORTS. Each Chapter shall transmit to the ISCA President/Board Chair and

Executive Director of the Association the names of its officers on or before the Transition

Meeting of the new governance year. Each Chapter shall transmit an annual report to the

President of the Association. The reports may be transmitted electronically.


have the power to revoke the charter of a Chapter when it is deemed in the best interest of the

Association to do so.

A. Before final action may be taken with respect to the revocation of the charter of a Chapter, a

notice of intent to revoke must first be passed by a majority of the members of the Board of

Directors present and the Chapter in question advised in writing of the reasons for the proposed

action. The Chapter shall have until the next state Conference meeting of the Association (but in

no case less than six months) to affect remedial measures or otherwise bring itself into

compliance with the By-laws of the Association.

B. A two-thirds vote of the members of the Board of Directors shall be necessary to revoke the

charter of a Chapter. The vote may take place electronically.


from the Association only in compliance with standing rules adopted by the Board of Directors.


SECTION 1. ANNUAL MEETING. The annual meeting of the Association shall be held at such

time as determined by the Board of Directors in accordance with Association Policy. Notice of

the Annual Meetings shall be communicated to each member or appear in the newsletter at least

fifteen (15) days prior to the Annual Meeting.

SECTION 2. Board of Directors.

A. The Board of Directors shall meet at least three times a year at such times and places as

directed by the President (henceforth “Board Chair”) or upon call by a majority of its members.

Expenses incurred while participating in Board of Directors meetings and Executive Board

meetings will be paid by ISCA in accordance with the Board of Directors policy.

B. The Board Chair of the Association shall preside at meetings of the Board of Directors, and in

the Board Chair's absence, the Vice President (henceforth “Assistant Chair”) shall preside.

C. The quorum for a Board of Directors meeting requires that a minimum of 33% of the voting

members be present. Any unfulfilled board vacancies are not counted as part of the total voting

members. No attendee may represent more than one vote. Meetings may be held electronically.

D. For every meeting of the Board of Directors, the Operations Team and each Standing or

Special Committee, or Task Force as specified in the Bylaws of the Association shall make a

report to the Board of Directors. These reports must be written and may be transmitted


E. The Board of Directors shall establish and approve policies and procedures for the

Association. Policies and Procedures require a 2/3 vote of the full Board of Directors for

approval. Voting may take place electronically.

SECTION 4. SPECIAL MEETINGS. Special meetings shall be held at such time and place as

determined by the Board of Directors in accordance with Association policy. Written notice of

special meetings shall be mailed or sent electronically to each member thirty (30) days prior to

the meeting.



A. The Board Members of the Association shall include Board Chair, Assistant Chair, Treasurer,

Secretary, Board Directors and a Graduate Student Representative. Except as otherwise provided,

the term of office of any officer of the Association shall begin on July 1. Board Member terms

are for 3 years unless otherwise determined by the Board of Directors.

B. The board shall consist of a minimum of 9 elected board members including 1 graduate

student representative.

C. In the event, a Board Chair should resign or be unable to complete the term, the Assistant

Chair shall assume the position of chairperson of the ISCA Board of Directors and a new

Assistant Chair shall be elected by the Board of Directors.

D. The Board Chair, Assistant Chair, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected by the current

Board of Directors for the new fiscal year.

E. Current office holders shall work with newly elected officers on a transition plan before

leaving their duties at the end of the fiscal year. This requirement shall be waived if the elected

officer is the same as the current office holder.

F. The term of office of any elected officer shall coincide with the fiscal year of this Association,

July 1 to June 30.


A. The ISCA Board Members shall be elected annually by ballot. In the event newly elected

Board Members are not able to assume office, it will be at the discretion of the board to fill the


B. To be eligible for any elective office a member must be a Professional member with the

exception of the graduate student board representative.

C. The Board of Directors shall oversee nominations and conduct elections.

D. Nominations and Elections shall be in accordance with guidelines developed by the

Nominations and Elections Committee and approved by the Board of Directors.

E. The Board of Directors shall have the authority to fill any vacancy for which there are no

other unexpired provisions.


A. The Board Chair shall serve as presiding officer of ISCA. The Board Chair, with the approval

of the Board of Directors, shall appoint all board committees and perform such duties as are

incidental to the office or as directed at the Annual Meeting or by the Board of Directors. The

ISCA Board Chair must be an active member of ASCA.

B. The Assistant Chair shall perform such duties as may be directed at the Annual Meeting or by

the Board of Directors.

C. The Secretary shall maintain the records of the Association and shall perform such other

duties as are incidental to this office.

D. The Treasurer shall work with the Executive Director to validate monthly bank statements,

submit a complete fiscal report to the Board of Directors as soon as possible after the close of the

fiscal year, and perform such other duties as may be directed by the Board of Directors. The

Executive Director will assume the duties of the Treasurer if the Treasurer position is vacant.

F. The ISCA Graduate Student Representative will first apply to be the Graduate Student

Representative and then elected by ISCA membership. This is a voting Board position.

G. The Executive Director shall serve as the executive officer of the Association. This person

shall perform such duties as may be delegated by the Board of Directors.

H. Board members will adhere to the board’s resignation policy as set forth in the association’s

Policies & Procedures document.

I. Conflict of interest is defined as any situation in which an individual member of the ISCA

Board of Directors is in a position to exploit this official capacity for personal gain. One who has

a conflict of interest is expected to abstain from decisions where such a conflict exists. The

imperative for abstention varies depending upon circumstances, either as common sense ethics,

codified ethics, or statute dictates. In some circumstances this can even include abstaining from

discussion of the issue involved. A conflict of interest exists even if no unethical or improper act

results from it. A conflict of interest can create an appearance of impropriety that can undermine

confidence in the association. When necessary, a neutral third party can be brought in to help

make an impartial judgment that will mitigate the conflict of interest which remains a conflict



SECTION 1. COMMITTEES. The committees of the Association shall consist of standing

committees, board committees, and task forces. With the approval of the Board of Directors, the

Board Chair shall form board committees, special committees and task forces, and work with

these groups to appoint committee and task force chairs.

SECTION 2. STANDING COMMITTEES. The standing committees are designed to conduct the

work of the association with the support of the Executive Director and Operations team in

accordance with the by-laws of the association. The standing committees shall be:

A. Membership - This committee is responsible for collaborating with the Executive Director to

engage, retain, and recruit ISCA members.

B. Advocacy - This committee is responsible for ISCA Advocacy efforts including reaching out

to legislators, and collaborating with other professional organizations (IACAC, CPS, ISBE, etc.)

The committee also serves as a liaison with ISCA Chapters and charters from across the state.

C. Professional Development - This committee is responsible for all the professional

development for ISCA. They plan many in-person and virtual trainings throughout the year.

D. Awards - This committee is responsible for communicating with ISCA members the great

work of ISCA and the amazing impact school counselors have on the lives of their students. This

committee is responsible for the ISCA Awards.

E. Race and Equity - The ISCA Race and Equity Committee was developed by the 2020

executive board and is composed of school counseling Race and Equity advocates from across

the state of Illinois. The committee is tasked with providing feedback to the executive board to

ensure that the organization is implementing anti-racist and equitable practices for both members

of the board and members within the organization.

F. Graduate Student - This committee is responsible for engaging with the graduate student

members of the association and cultivating meaningful learning and social experiences

throughout the year.

G. Conference - This committee is responsible for working with the ISCA Operations team (and

other stakeholders, as needed) to plan, manage, and oversee the annual ISCA conference.

H. Scholarships - This committee is responsible for overseeing the ISCA Student Scholarship

and any related scholarships cultivated by the association.

SECTION 3. BOARD COMMITTEES. The board committees are designed to support the work

of the Board of Directors in accordance with the by-laws of the association. The board

committees shall be:

A. Elections and Nominations - This committee shall structure and oversee the process of

procuring nominations as well as reviewing and putting forth eligible Board of Director and

Graduate Student Representative candidates to ISCA membership for vote. This committee will

work to review and set eligibility criteria, communicate board inclusivity priorities, and empower

membership to participate in the voting process.

B. By-Laws, Policies and Procedures - This committee will review and revise the By-Laws and

Policies and Procedures documents of the association while also monitoring that the association

and its stakeholders are acting in accordance with the codified expectations and guidelines


C. Membership Linkage - To create opportunities for the Board to engage the membership of the

Association and tie membership needs to the board ends policies and strategic plan.

D. Task Forces - These committees are ad hoc committees that serve the purpose of organizing

work done by the board for a certain purpose that is short term and does not require the need of a

standing committee


SECTION 1. FISCAL YEAR. The fiscal year shall be from July 1 to June 30th.

SECTION 2 PROPERTY OF THE ASSOCIATION. In the event the Association should be

dissolved, none of its property shall be distributed to any of its members. Instead, all of its

property shall be transferred to such organization(s) as the Board of Directors shall determine to

have purposes and activities most nearly consonant with those of the Association.


A. The Executive Director shall present an annual budget to the Board of Directors for adoption

at the first meeting of the governance year.

B. No member of the Association shall establish any debt in the Name of the Association without

prior approval of the Board of Directors.

C. The Board of Directors may cause the account of each person handling Association funds to

be audited. An audit shall be conducted at the end of the fiscal year.


SECTION 1. The Association shall indemnify each member of the Board of Directors as

described in Articles V and VI, and each of its officers, as described in Articles V, V1 and Vu,

for the defense of civil or criminal actions or proceedings as hereinafter provided and

notwithstanding any provision in these Bylaws, in a manner and to the extent permitted by

applicable law.

SECTION 2. The Association shall indemnify each of its directors and officers, as aforesaid,

from and against any and all judgments, fines, amounts paid in settlement and reasonable

expenses, including attorneys fees, actually and necessarily incurred or imposed as a result of

such action or proceedings, or an appeal therein imposed upon or asserted against the

member by reason of being or having been such a director or officer and acting within the scope

of his or her official duties, but only when the determination shall have been made judicially or

in the manner hereinafter provided that he or she acted in good faith for the purpose which he or

she reasonably believed to be in the best interest of the Association and in the case of criminal

action or proceeding in addition, had no reasonable cause to believe that his or her conduct was

unlawful. This indemnification shall be made only if the Association shall be advised by its

Board of Directors acting (1) by quorum consisting of Board of Directors members who are not

parties to such section or proceedings upon a finding that, or (2) if a quorum under (I) is not

obtainable with due diligence, upon the opinion in writing of independent legal counsel that, the

Board of Directors or officer has met the foregoing applicable standard of conduct. If the

undergoing determination is to be made by the Board of Directors, it may relay as to all

questions of the law on the advice of independent legal counsel.

SECTION 3. Every reference herein to a member of the Board of Directors or office of the

Association shall include every member and officer thereof or former member and officer

thereof. This indemnification shall apply to all judgment, fines, amounts in settlement and

reasonable expenses of indemnification herein provided shall be in addition to any and all rights

to which any member or officer of the Association might otherwise be entitled and the provisions

hereof shall neither impair not adversely affect such rights.


SECTION 1. AMENDMENTS AND ADOPTION. These bylaws may be amended by majority

vote at the Annual Meeting or by electronic ballot.


A. No amendments or revision to the Bylaws shall be acted upon unless written notice thereof is

submitted to the membership at least fifteen (15) days prior to the Annual Meeting or sent

electronically fifteen (15) days before the deadline date upon which the proposed changes are to

be acted upon.

B. A copy of the said proposal shall be given to the Secretary at least fifteen (15) days prior to

the Annual Meeting or fifteen (15) days prior to when said amendment(s) or revision(s) are to be

acted upon.

SECTION 3. The bylaws of this Association shall be available to any member upon request.

Adopted March 15, 1963

Amended October 2, 1965

Amended October 6, 1967

Amended October 30, 1979

Amended October 31, 1980

Amended November 14, 1985

Amended November 12, 1986

Amended November 12, 1992

Amended March 17, 1995

Amended November, 1996

Amended November 1997

Amended November 1999

Amended November 2000

Amended November 2001

Amended November 2002

Amended November 2003

Amended November 2005

Amended November 2010

Amended April 19, 2011

Amended June 23, 2017

Amended January 28, 2021

Amended May 23, 2022

Amended June 16, 2023

P.O. Box 734  Downers Grove, IL  60515     (312) 600-0075


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